Well, t's official... We are out of newborn clothes an into 0-3M AND 3M clothes. I was in denial for so long (and still am with some outfits) and can't make myself put the newborn clothes away just yet. The only thing that is still newborns are her diapers. We tried a "1" size on her and thankfully they are still a little big. :)
The second month has been so much fun because she started to smile and coo! Her smiles light up the whole room and melts my heart. My favorite time of day is right when she wakes up because that's when she's smiling the most!
Good morning sunshine!
Today was a big day! She had her two month appointment. They weighed her and she now weighs a whopping... wait for it...... 10 lbs 12 oz! And is now 22" long She's not so little anymore.... :( Ya know, I have a real problem with her growing up so fast... SLOW DOWN MISSY! This appointment was the one where she had to get her first shots... three in her legs. Goodness it was hard to watch. It took her a couple seconds after until she screamed bloody murder.. It was so sad! I've never heard her cry like that. Poor girl. So we've had extra cuddles today.
I must've broken some record for how many photos I've taken of her. It has to be in the millions (as you can tell by all my posts) by now! She's probably sick of me trying to get her to smile with a camera in her face. But I can't help it....! All you moms out there understand I'm sure. :)
My favorite things:
Watching her face light up when she smiles
Her scrunch-nose-tongue-out smile
When it's just her and me rocking together and snuggling
Dancing to music in the living room
Kissing those dang kissable chubby cheeks!
Just... Everything...!
Her favorite things:
Snuggles on mom and dad's chest
Kicking one leg at a time (it's so hilarious, she puts her arms into it too!) and kicks so fast
Warm baths
Her bouncer - seriously, she talks and smiles and kicks on it every day!
Her binky - I get a smile out of her every time I tap it on her lips
Playing patty cake
She also loves to make crazy faces.

I fall in love with this girl over and over again. It's been such an adventure being her mom. She's my miracle, and I can't imagine my life without her! Now stop growing Rylee bug, okay??
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